Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Orly Seagurl and a rose

This was actually one of those polishes I was considering whether to get rid of, so I wore it - and fell in love with it again. Orly Seagurl is kind of a must-have, because it's both a really great version of dark silver, which should really be in everyone's color palette, and it's a really nice metallic shimmer with a fascinating tan/burnished/bronzey tone hiding in the silver. For like the first day I wore it, I felt like it was just a cool silver shimmer, but the warmth in the tones came out the longer I wore it, and I really started to enjoy it as a unique color.

I also paired this great metallic polish with a new ring from Born Pretty;* I found the deep burnished tone of the polish is a natural complement to the tarnished wrought-silver design of this rose ring. The ring is also adjustable, which is a big deal for me because I have the teeniest fingers it's hard to find rings small enough for me - its ropey band is open in the back and a bit flexible. It's a really lovely ring - I became a bit obsessed with this polish and this ring together!

*I received no money nor did I receive this product free for my review - I'm just showing it off because I like it.

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